
Safe Haven Orphanage

C.O.L.O.R. helped build the orphanage for Karen refugee children. The orphanage houses over 50 children on the Thailand/Myanmar border and provides education, food, and care.


October 2010- Tha Sang Yang Thailand

Safe Haven received $5,000 in donations from C.O.L.O.R. to help cover
costs of food, schooling, and personal care needs of the children. The
refugee crisis is over and the refugees have left the property. The Orphanage
continues to expand and develop They have really settled into their
new space the property is well developed at this point.

October 2009- Tha Song Yang, Thailand

Safe Haven Orphanage is in great need of additional funding for
further development of the orphanage property. The number of children on
the property tripled overnight due to conflict in nearby Burma; from 53 children
to 165 children. The conflict is heightening so there is little chance that
the children will return to Burma anytime soon. Nearby refugee camps are
full so an additional 150 refugees are also being housed on the property.
The refugees and many of the children have been in make-shift tarp tents
provided by the Thai government since June.

For a better understand of the situation view this France 24 story from the
area surrounding Safe Haven Orphanage

July 2009- Tha Song Yang, Thailand

Refugee Crisis at Safe Haven Orphanage — C.O.L.O.R. has sent
$2,000 in emergency funds to help at the Safe Haven Orphanage. Over 200
refugees have sought help at the Safe Haven Orphanage after fleeing war torn
Burma into Thailand. 112 of the refugees are children who fled their boarding
school along with their teachers when it was taken over by the Burma military.
The children will be remaining on the property permanently while the other
refugees are expected to remain on the property at least until November.
Conditions are less than ideal especially due to monsoon season. Refugees are
housed in make-shift tarp tents, the ground is very muddy and rocky, the
bathroom facilities are beyond capacity, and illness is common.

October 2008 – Tha Song Yang, Thailand

C.O.L.O.R. would like to continue supporting Safe Haven
Orphanage, and has set a yearly fundraising goal of $10,000 for the next three
years. Contributions will be purchase necessities for the orphans, food, and additional
upgrades to the property. To support this project, specify Safe Haven when
making your donation.

July 2008 – Tha Song Yang, Thailand

Thanks to our generous donors, C.O.L.O.R. raised the
needed $25,000 to complete construction of the new Safe Haven Orphanage.
Construction began December 2007 with basic infrastructure and recently two
toilets, the new kitchen, and water tanks were installed. C.O.L.O.R.’s Vice
President David Anderson visited Safe Haven in December of 2007, and will be
returning in 2008 to check on progress in person.

Safe Haven needs continuing support for food, clothing,
and school supplies – please consider
making a donation.


October 2007 – Tha Song Yang, Thailand

The Safe Haven Orphanage is located in Thailand near the
Myanmar (Burma) border. For the last 15 years they have been dedicated to
keeping orphaned Karen children, fleeing war and political unrest in Burma, out
of the refugee camps and creating a nurturing environment for them. They
emphasize family, community, education, and integration to inspire the children
to be successful and give back to their communities. With the recent political
unrest, hundreds of thousands of Karen people have been fleeing into Thailand.

C.O.L.O.R. is partnering with Safe Haven Orphanage to construct a new facility. Land for the new facility has been secured, but
construction funds are still needed. Please help us meet our fundraising goal of

To make this desperately needed home for orphaned children
a reality,
donate to C.O.L.O.R. here.