
Lechang County, Southern China

Following Hurricane Bilis in Southern China, C.O.L.O.R. was able to provide 37 families with warm clothing, quilts, a three month supply of rice, and funding to help rebuild six homes.

C.O.L.O.R. Program Manager Xuhao He was given the CHIME Community Hero Award for his fundraising and work following hurricane Bilis in Southern China. With help from C.O.L.O.R., generous donors, sponsorship from the local government, and hardworking local families six homes were built following the disaster. Pictures of the new homes and families can be found at: http://xuhao.officeisp.net/New Homes/Forms/AllItems.aspx

Tropical storm Bilis caused very heavy flooding destroying mud brick houses and severly damaging solid brick houses in South Chine


September 2006 – Lechang County, Southern China

Project manager: Xuhao He

Tropical storm Bilis caused very heavy flooding when it hit South China in mid-July 2006. Many houses built with mud bricks were destroyed and many solid brick houses severely damaged in the flooding and heavy rains. In some cases the flooding hit so fast in the middle of the night that families barely escaped with a few possessions. Xuhao He approached C.O.L.O.R. with a desire to help raise money to aid some of the storm ravaged villages in the Lechang County of Southern China. The Board of Directors of C.O.L.O.R. voted to help support this project and bring money and goods to help these families.

A total of $3,580.00 was raised through private donations and Microsoft fundraising matches. This money was converted to into Chinese currency (RMB) at the exchange rate of $1: RMB 7.824 for a total of RMB 28,009.92 to be brought back to China for the purchase of goods and monetary relief by Xuhao He.

Tropical storm Bilis caused very heavy flooding destroying mud brick houses and severly damaging solid brick houses in South Chine

Tropical storm Bilis caused very heavy flooding destroying mud brick houses and severly damaging solid brick houses in South Chine

Xuhao traveled back to Southern China in late September 2006 representing C.O.L.O.R. to survey the remaining damage and assess the rebuilding situation in the small towns and villages of Lechang County. Many houses had been destroyed outright by the flooding or were so badly damaged that they were deemed inhospitable and dangerous to live in. With the money Xuhao raised he bought teaching supplies and sports equipment for students at the Longzhu Elementary School, relief in the form of cash, goods, and building materials was given to forty four (44) families in Baokeng Village and a nearby small village called Chen-Jai-Peng. Many of these families used the money to purchase quilts for the coming winter, 3-months supplies of rice because the rice paddies that they rely upon to feed their families were destroyed in the flood, and also to rebuild homes and parts of homes damaged or destroyed in the flooding.

Relief in the form of teaching supplies and sports equipment for students at the Longzhu Elementary School, cash, goods, and building materials was given to forty four families

Relief in the form of teaching supplies and sports equipment for students at the Longzhu Elementary School, cash, goods, and building materials was given to forty four families

C.O.L.O.R. is very proud to have supported this project and of Xuhao’s efforts to help families and villages to rebuild after natural disaster in his native Southern China. Disaster relief is a worldwide effort supported by people of all walks of life and the lives that sudden disasters can touch does not discriminate. We hope that Xuhao He will help us in future projects where we can bring a little C.O.L.O.R. into people’s lives.