

Scott Longheyer

President, Co-Founder and Volunteer


Scott Longheyer 2011 - Sri Lanka

Scott Longheyer – Sri Lanka Dec 2011

I want to improve the lives of the children across the globe. I believe that a relatively small group of people can help another group of people.

Work, Hobbies and Interests:

I work at Microsoft Corporation where I have contributed to many services including Hotmail (where I originally started), Messenger, Operations, Bing, Azure, & Intune. I have a personal passion for music, and have promoted events and fundraisers within the local community as well as internationally. Please email me; a strong social network is a valuable key to happiness and success.

Relevant Experience:

  • Communications and Security specialist since 1996
  • Construction: Temporary and permanent, residential and industrial
  • Wood/metal design and fabrication
  • Electrical design, installation, and troubleshooting
  • Event Production
  • Fundraising and Program Management



Jennifer Longheyer

Vice President, Co-Founder and Volunteer


jen with lily

I advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves.

Work, Hobbies and Interests:

I have spent most of my life working with and around children; the majority of that time with special education and profoundly gifted children.  I have a degree in Behavioral Science and Psychology and worked for many years as a behavioral consultant for children.  I currently have my hands full with three young children of my own and all of C.O.L.O.R.’s activities! I love design, creative hands on projects, and am a master organizer.

Relevant Experience:

  • Project Management
  • Curriculum Development
  • Construction Management and Interior Design
  • Event Production and Fundraising
  • Various Volunteer Activities
  • All things kid related … 😉


Project Managers:

K.C. Kodituwakku – Sri Lanka

Kodi is a retired bank manager and the ex-president of the bankers union in Sri Lanka.  He does an amazing job on all tasks put before him!

spring summer 2009 277

Kodi- Yellowstone 2009

David Anderson

A pleasure to work with when given the chance. “Nothing is as fulfilling as making a positive difference in someONE else’s life.”

2010- SL, Dave

Dave- 2011 Sri Lanka Safari

Geneva Longheyer – Social Manager & Volunteer

Work, Hobbies and Interests:

I have helped with C.O.L.O.R. since before I can remember. I am thankful to take on the role of Social Manager, it is just one way in which I can help the world. I enjoy listening to music and dancing. I am currently learning traditional Sri Lankan Kandyan Dance and I attend a Performing Arts High School. I am also bilingual and I love studying history and other cultures. I cannot wait to participate in my local Model UN

Relevant Experience:

  • Assistance with Distribution
  • Fundraising and Events Assistant
  • General Assistance with Projects
Geneva at Hope Preschool